Labor, energy, faith, youth, and conservation groups to announce campaign to advance groundbreaking clean energy, jobs plan

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On Tuesday, March 5 at 9:30 a.m. in room 181 of the State Office Building, energy, business, faith, environment, and youth leaders will announce a campaign to advance a groundbreaking state plan to create jobs for Minnesotans, generate clean, renewable energy, and protect our health and the air we breathe.

The campaign will mobilize over 30 Minnesota organizations working to advance the state’s sustainable energy future and promote economic, energy, and climate change solutions supported by the majority of Minnesota voters.

WHO:           Pete Parris, political director, Sheet Metal Workers, Local 10

Michael Noble, executive director, Fresh Energy

Beth Soholt, executive director, Wind on the Wires 

Reverend Mark Peters, executive director, Lutheran Coalition for Public Policy in Minnesota

Katie Mercer-Taylor, Roseville Area High School and co-chair of the Youth Environmental Activists of Minnesota (YEA! MN)

WHAT:         Campaign launches to advance groundbreaking clean energy and jobs plan in Minnesota

WHERE:       State Office Building, Room 181

WHEN:         Tuesday, March 5, 9:30AM


For more information, visit

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