Solar bonding saves the public money

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Energy issues have not received as much attention as the Vikings Stadium or the constitutional amendments this session, but there have been attempts at rollbacks to our Renewable Energy Standard.  There is still an opportunity to move forward on clean energy with the inclusion of solar in the bonding bill. The House version of the bill includes a provision for installing solar on community colleges and other public buildings which will be an investment shared by all Minnesotans.

Solar bonding has bipartisan support and will further advance Minnesota’s growing industry – supporting jobs and local economies across the state. Currently, Minnesota has more than 100 businesses that sell or manufacture solar products and services. There are already thousands of Minnesota jobs in the solar industry. Minnesotans spend more than $20 billion a year purchasing and importing energy from other states and countries.

The time has come to invest more in clean energy to support our schools, help our local economy, and create good jobs! The bonding bill is the place to start before the session ends.

Take Action! Ask Governor Dayton and your state legislators to support solar in Minnesota!

Learn more about solar in Minnesota at

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