By Stephanie Spitzer

The third annual Brooklyn Center EarthFest took place on Saturday, April 14 from noon to 4 p.m. with Will Steger of the Will Steger Foundation as the speaker from noon to 1 p.m. Over seventy exhibits in the auditorium featured how local businesses and organizations were committing themselves to be environmentally friendly.
Will Steger held a presentation on how he has witnessed firsthand the effects of climate change in the Arctic. He has made numerous treks across the ice with sled dogs, and understands the danger of polar ice breaking up. When you’re out there on the ice, you learn that water on top of it means it’ll break up soon, which means immediate danger. Steger finished with a call to action: everyone can do something small for the environment.
One step many took was stopping by the Sierra Club booth and sign a postcard petition to the EPA!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is collecting comments from the public on a new proposed rule. They recently proposed new limits for carbon emissions for any new power plant in the United States. Sierra Club volunteers collected postcards in support of this ruling against carbon pollution at EarthFest on Saturday. Visit the Sierra Club’s website to submit a comment online.
Other booths at EarthFest included demonstrations of green cleaners made out of vinegar, water, and dish soap, garbage companies with demonstrations of how to recycle and compost, food and a kids area where they could make their own paint and plant seeds to start a garden.