Clean Energy and Jobs Campaign Announced

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By Stephanie Spitzer

As I mentioned when we started this solar blog series, we have a big opportunity this year to push the Minnesota legislature to pass legislation in support of a 10% solar standard by 2030.

Today, Tuesday, March 5, the Sierra Club joined environmental organizations, leaders from energy, business, faith and youth organizations to  launch a Minnesota Clean Energy and Jobs campaign at the State Office building. At the event, a plan was unveiled to create jobs for Minnesotans, generate clean, renewable energy, and protect our health and the air we breathe. This plan includes a 10% solar standard by 2030, a 40% Renewable Energy Standard by 2030, increasing energy efficiency, and supporting local power production.


In Governor Dayton’s State of the State address, he called on Minnesota to take the next big leap forward towards a clean energy future. The Clean Energy and Jobs campaign is answering that call. Join us as we ask our legislators to take a strong stand and move Minnesota to the lead on taking action on climate change!

Go to the Clean Energy and Jobs campaign website or follow @MNCleanEnergy on Twitter.

Stephanie Spitzer is a volunteer leader with the Sierra Club North Star Chapter Clean Air and Renewable Energy Committee.



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