Green Machines

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An interesting road trip launches tomorrow and they are having a media event that may be of interest to you:

Media Advisory                 
January 19, 2007
Contact: Vicki Levengood, 517-256-6789/Claudette Juska, 248-467-9532

From Minnesota to Michigan, the Green Machines Road Trip blogs their way across the Midwest, showcasing clean, cutting-edge automotive technologies that create jobs and spur economic growth

ST. PAUL, MN- On Saturday, Jan. 20th, The Green Machines Road Trip hits the highway, traveling from Minnesota to Michigan, highlighting stories of how fuel-efficient vehicles and technologies are creating jobs and economic growth.  The Green Machines crew, armed with a camera and a Union-made Saturn Vue Greenline hybrid electric car, will visit UAW halls, community centers, manufacturing plants, farms, and biofuel production sites across the midwest.  They’ll interview business and labor leaders, line workers, elected officials and diner cooks who will tell their own stories of prospering in an econom y fueled by a shift to efficient automotive technologies.

To kick off the Trip, Minnesota trade union activists and the crew of the Green Machines Road Trip will join forces Saturday to outline their “Green Manufacturing Proposal” – a plan to save 1800 jobs at Ford’s Twin Cities assembly plant.

The complete Tour itinerary, along with video clips and daily blog entries, will be available at
Day One, Twin Cities: SAVE FORD JOBS

Road Crew Joins MN Union Activists to Outline “Green Manufacturing” Plan to Save Ford Jobs and Protect the Environment

Lynn Hinkle, Health & Safety Director, UAW Local 879
Charles Griffith, Auto Project Director, Ecology Center, Ann Arbor, MI

What:           Joint Press Conference

When:          12:00 Noon, Saturday, January 20th

Where:        The Rotunda of the MNSCU Ford/UAW Training Center, Ford Parkway, St. Paul’s Highland Park Neighborhood

Why:      To Launch the Ecology Center’s Green Machines Tour and UAW 879’s Proposal to Save Ford’s Twin Cities Assembly Plant



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