Minnesota Environmental Partnership Issues Statement on Revised Ag and Environment Bill

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Saint Paul, Minn. (June 5, 2015) — Earlier today, the Minnesota Legislature released a revised version of the Ag and Environment Budget Bill, following Governor Dayton’s veto of the bill on May 23. The Governor vetoed the bill citing the many roll backs on Minnesota’s environmental protections. The Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP) and its 70 member organizations applauded the Governor’s move calling for a clean bill.

Below is a statement from Minnesota Environmental Partnership executive director Steve Morse on the revised bill.

“We in the environmental community are extremely disappointed in the revised bill released by Legislature today,” said Morse. “The bill largely has not changed since its original version. With the exception of a modest improvement on water quality with more enforcement of vegetative buffers, this bill is absolutely a step backwards for Minnesota’s environment.

“Minnesotans want to protect our heritage of plentiful, clean water. They want to protect the Great outdoors they love and leave a legacy of clean water, and abundant wildlife for future generations. Instead, this Legislature has delivered, again, one of the most anti-environment pieces of legislation we’ve seen in decades.

“We’re grateful to those that have defended our Great Outdoors and opposed this package of rollbacks, and we call on them again to reject this bill with its anti-environment provisions.”

This afternoon, the Minnesota Environmental Partnership and 35 other environment and conservation organizations delivered a letter to the Legislature detailing the bad provisions they object to and changes, if any, in the latest version of the bill. 

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Minnesota Environmental Partnership is a statewide coalition of more than 70 environmental and conservation organizations working together for clean water, clean energy and protection of our Great Outdoors. The Minnesota Environmental Partnership engages state leaders, unites environmental efforts and helps citizens take action for the Minnesota they love.




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