Climate & Energy

MEP Climate and Energy Cluster Contact: Sarah Mooradian,

Climate and Energy Cluster Organizations (*denotes non-MEP member)

  • Alliance for Sustainability
  • Citizens’ Climate Lobby MN
  • Clean Water Action
  • Fresh Energy
  • Izaak Walton League – Minnesota Division
  • Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota
  • Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
  • MN350
  • League of Women Voters Minnesota
  • Sierra Club – North Star Chapter
  • Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light
  • Minnesota Solar Energy Industry Association*
  • Union of Concerned Scientists*

In a Saint Paul library recently, youth were leading the community in visioning what our world will look like when we tackle the energy transition together.

They shared a meaningful question: In every problem and project, is there a link to a climate change solution?

What we often don’t see is the way that once we embrace the problem of climate change and work full throttle to address it, how beautiful and rich our lives and communities will be.

And when we do what we need to do for climate, all of the other issues we identify in this book will get better, too – our water will be cleaner, our air more breathable, our pollinators healthier, and our people thriving.

 The Goal: Minnesota will do our part for climate action by reducing, then eliminating greenhouse gas emissions in our state.

We know it’s a big challenge that will require enormous changes. But Minnesotans don’t run away from a challenge.

How to Get There:

We need a GHG emissions reduction plan. And we have one.

  • Continue to invest in Minnesota’s clean energy infrastructure. Minnesota’s 100% Clean Electricity Law was a huge step forward, but now we need to build out the solar, wind, storage, and other components needed to get to our goal.

  • Clean up emissions from Minnesota buildings. Technology for cleaning up building emissions has advanced rapidly, and by investing in insulation, heat pumps, and geothermal networks, Minnesota can achieve net-zero buildings across the state.
  • Protect Minnesota’s carbon sinks. Minnesota is home to forests, wetlands, and especially peatlands that help fight climate change. We need to make sure these natural climate solutions are preserved and kept healthy to do our part against climate pollution.

These measures alone are just part of the puzzle. But they are critical pieces – and they’ll help give us the momentum we need to meet our climate goals.

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