As a 501c(3) nonprofit organization, the Minnesota Environmental Partnership does not engage in political campaigning, but we do strongly believe that all Minnesotans should make their voices heard, and all eligible voters should participate in our electoral process. Minnesota has a proud tradition of high voter turnout. Maintaining and expanding that legacy by sharing voter resources is critical to building an environmentally just future.
Many states across the country have added onerous voting requirements, shut down polling places or introduced new restrictions on absentee voting, which has the effect of weakening their democracy. Minnesota is fortunate to have a transparent, secure, and easy to access election system and a strong tradition of high turnout. Your participation will help make sure Minnesota democracy stays healthy and open to all potential voters.
The Trust Fund ballot measure
While MEP does not take a position on individual candidates for elected positions, we strongly endorse voting yes on Constitutional Amendment 1 to rededicate lottery proceeds to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF). A “yes” vote continues over three decades of dedicating income from the state lottery to this wildly successful environmental program and provides enhancements that will make the Trust Fund more accessible to Minnesotans. You can read more in our recent blog post on this issue.
It’s important to note that leaving the ballot measure blank counts as a no vote. We need as many Minnesotans as possible voting “yes” to ensure the amendment passes and the ENRTF will keep working for the next 25 years.
How to Vote:
You are eligible to vote as long as you are a U.S. citizen, will be at least 18 years old by the next Election Day, have lived in Minnesota for at least 20 days, and are finished with all parts of any felony sentence if applicable.
If you are not currently registered to vote, you can register to vote at your polling place on Election Day.
This year’s General Election in Minnesota will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. You can register to vote online, by mail, or in person on election day. You are automatically registered to vote if you are over the age of 18 when you apply for or renew your Minnesota driver’s license, instruction permit, or state identification card. You can vote early by mail or in person for any reason in the General Election.
The local candidates you will be able to vote for may vary by area (check your sample ballot) but every Minnesotan will have the opportunity in 2024 to choose candidates for:
- President and Vice President
- U.S. Representative (Congress)
- State Representative
- Various state and county judgeships
- Numerous county, municipal, and school board positions
For College Students
BestColleges.com has a useful voting guide for students who want information on how to cast their ballot.
Forums & Events
Many nonpartisan organizations will be hosting forums and informational sessions leading up to Election Day.
List of League of Women Voters candidate forums
If you have a nonpartisan event to add to this list, please contact Matt Doll at matt@mepartnership.org.